Security and Privacy FAQ

Here are the security and privacy questions that we are frequently asked

I use an Apple should I still worry about security?

Yes you should. No computer system connected to the Internet is secure. Although malware authors have so far focused on mainly Windows, the Apple OS and application software has vulnerabilities too, that may be targetted by malware authors. Your risk currently is much less than people using windows.

Your Apple computer however carries the same risk of being stolen as a Windows computer. Hence it is advisable that you encrypt sensitive data.

I have nothing to hide, should I still care about privacy?

Yes you should. By exposing as little of yourself as possible, you provide a small area for evil doers to attack you.

For example, let us say a lot of information about you is easily available. This makes it easy for a phisher to impersonate you. Another example, let us say you donated to a politically connected charity. Now your boss, customers, clients know your political views. They may not have the same views and this may impact your professional life. The list is endless...

Privacy gives you freedom to be who you are without looking over your shoulder to see who is watching.

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